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Jun 15th 2020

  • Vitamin D: get 10 minutes of sun exposure everyday (check with your doctor first of course), eating Vitamin D enriched foods such as salmon, drinking and eating fortified foods.
  • Vitamin C: plays a huge role in collagen production and its antioxidant properties that help keep the skin youthful and healthy! Find it in citrus fruits or drinks, plant-based sources such as strawberries, broccoli and spinach provide us with natural sources of Vitamin C!
  • Vitamin E: Antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful UV light. Eating more nuts and seeds such as hazelnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds can give you your 15g of Vitamin e intake.
  • Vitamin K: helps treat and prevent dark spots, scarring, stretch marks, and you can increase your intake by eating kale, spinach, and green beans.
  • What ingredients to look for in your anti-aging products:
    • Retinol, Vitamin C, Peptides, grape seed extract, hyaluronic acid
  • What ingredients to stay away from:
    • Parabens, sulfates, toluene, synthetic colors
  • Healthy foods that benefit the skin:
    • Tomatoes contain high sources of Vitamin C and all the major carotenoids including lycopene which have shown to prevent wrinkles and protect against sun damage.
    • Red or yellow bell peppers contain a high dose of Vitamin A and Vitamin C which keep the skin hydrated and produces collagen.
    • Sweet potatoes are high in carotenoids like beta- carotene, which helps keep the skin healthy and acts as a natural sunblock.
    • Avocados are great for the skin because they are high in healthy fats that we need for the skin and body. Getting enough of these fats is key for keeping the skin moisturized and flexible, rough cracked skin now are wrinkles later. Avocados are also known as a healthy source of Vitamin E.